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#SaturDye 31: Black Elephant

#SaturDye 31: Black Elephant
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Today, on the 31th #SaturDye, I welcome one further international guest. It's Petra from Black Elephant who dyes wool for you in Sheffield, South Yorkshire. And yes, she is shipping her colorways worldwide. :)

I became aware of Petra and the Black Elephant yarns several years ago on Instagram. While scrolling through, I stumbled over Petra @blackelephant.uk and her hand dyed yarns on  and was immediately thrilled by her pictures.The great colors, the atmospheric pictures. I would love to reach into each of her pictures and touch the skeins of wool. 

Here we go - this is the woman behind all these awesome colors: Hello Petra!
If you want to visit Black Elephant you will find all links here:

Dear Petra, it’s a great pleasure for me to welcome you and your label „Black Elephant“ to
today’s #SaturDye.
Since when do you dye/How did you come to dye?
I came across hand dyed yarn when I visited my first ever yarn festival Yarndale in Skipton. I bought a simple kit and it kind of developed organically from a hobby to a business over time.

What do you enjoy most about dyeing?
I like when a colourway turns out exactly as I envisioned before I dyed it. It doesn’t happen very often as colours doing their own thing on yarn, but when it does, it’s totally worth it.
Do you just dye or spin/knit/crochet/weave your yarns too?
I try to knit as much as I can, and I crochet blankets. Spinning is something I would definitely love to explore more.

If you have to describe your colors in three words, what would they be?
rich, warm, complex

Do you do anything besides dyeing? Or are you now a full-time dyer?
On 1st September we celebrated 3rd year of full-time dyeing. It still feels unreal. Time flies.

What’s about your name“Black Elephant“? Is there a story about it?
For Christmas I got an A5 sized notebook from my mum, which was to be for my knitting ideas. And on the front there was a little cute elephant. Also, my mum used to tell me off for walking like an elephant in my teenage years, as we lived in a block of flats and neighbours living below probably thought they have an elephant living in the flat above. :)
My surname is Schwarcz, which means Black (in German) and some of my friends used to call me that. So
Black Elephant it was. And after some research I found out that black elephants actually exist, which is kind of cool. 

How much do trends in the knitting scene influence you? For example speckles, neon colors and mohair, to name just three?
I’m actually not sure. I obviously try to bring to my customers what they like, so I definitely listen to their feedback. But I think I try to dye colourways which speak to me and I can imagine wearing them myself.  Colours are still a learning process for me. There is so much more to explore. So it’s a combination of exploration and playing with my favourite colours when it comes to dyeing.

How do I imagine your day-to-day dyeing?
Every day is different as I still work by myself so there is no ‘typical’ day for me. Sometimes it’s entirely dyeing, sometimes it’s twisting yarns, sometimes it’s packing orders. There is always something to do, so even while the yarns are dyeing, I will be washing dyed yarns or washing pans or just developing new colourways.

How do you deal with social and environmental sustainability when dyeing or selecting materials?
From the beginning when I was researching resources I always questioned suppliers about where they source their wool, well-being of animals and farmers alike. Where possible I try to source wool as local as possible. There is minimal waste going out from the studio and everything that can be reused or recycled is dealt with appropriately. My partner owns a zero waste shop so we implement a low impact lifestyle not only in our personal life, but in both of our businesses. For example, there is no plastic used in packing parcels for our customers.
I try to use all the dye on yarns (let it absorb) so there is no waste dye going to water pipes.

Is there a certain color that is the best seller with your customers? Or which ones are generally very popular?
I think Gloaming, Mudbound and Arlandria are probably the best liked colourways for the last year or so.

And you? Do you have a favorite color?
I’m drawn to semi solids like Atrament or Golden Coast. With speckled ones, each week I have a different favourite. :) this week is one from my new autumn collection so it does not have a name yet.

If someone wants to buy your wool, where and how can they do it best?
They can buy directly from our website or check what retailers around the world stock our yarns. The full list is also on our website.

Do you have any special projects running right now that we must not miss? Or what plans do you have for the future of Black Elephant?
At the moment, I’m trying to refocus on what I like to do the best - creating new colourways. Recently it felt like I just kept dyeing the same colourways over and over so during my time off in August I decided to put some time on side each month to create again. Repetitive tasks can be quite demotivating after a while so I need to make sure that I alternate between work and fun. 

Thank you for taking the time to give us a behind-the-scenes look.
Petra Black Elephant even provides something for a worldwide raffle. You can win a £50 gift certificate for the Black Elephant shop. Check out our two Instagram channels @blackelephant.uk and @feinmotorik.blogspot.

You are also an indie dyer and want to present your label in the course of the #SaturDye? No problem at all, here is all the information. Just send me an e-mail.

And to support the general hand dyer scene a little bit you can always post on Saturdays with the Hashtag #SaturDye all your projects which you are actually working on out of hand dyed wool or which you have already finished. I would be happy if you tag me on Instagram, then I can also see and share your posts.

And if you want to browse through all previous #SaturDye dyers again, you will find an overview of the previous participants here.

Copyright all pictures: Petra | Black Elephant


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